BlakPac Electing Conservative Leaders

"Melaninated" Americans

George Farrell Episode 4

George has committed to stop using the word "minority" his new word is Melaninated Americans. Blacks, Latins and Asians are not minorities because together we make a majority. George also discusses how we must refinance the American dream and not just Wall Street. Fear in America should not be an agenda item for the Republicans or the Democrats. 

Dwayne E. Shigg :

Anybody can use foundation teaches our youth to step off into life with their best foot forward without cowardice, but with courage and dignity. ABC was founded by legendary Light Heavyweight Champion Archie Moore in 1957. He had a heart and passion for helping the youth. He believed if we went into the business of prevention, we could save billions of dollars and millions of lives. He started ABC to teach us the basic ABCs of life. Are you concerned about the world today? Do you want to help train our youth to be the change needed in the world? Join us in the fight for equality in the fight for justice in the fight for our youth. If you would like to help, go to www dot HBCU that's www dot HBCU be well and be blessed.

George T. Farrell :

Welcome back to blackpack. Today we're going to be talking about our latest wins in the GOP primaries in Minnesota in Texas. And we're also going to talk about motivated Americans and why we're no longer going to use the word minority because we're not minorities. We're all in this together. We're all American citizens. We're all people from the United States of America. So here we go. We're back. Okay, boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen, this is George for rail from black pack. I'm honored that you're listening to what we have to say. blackpack stands for the black Latin Asian knowledge political action committee, started in 2015 by former lieutenant governor of Florida, Jennifer Carol and Angelica Boyington, who was chair of the Ocala Marion County School Board, we've got together and decided that there was a need for a group to focus on the election of black conservatives across the country. Our first endorsement was also for President Trump in 2016. It was signed by Jennifer Carroll. And we've been supporting candidates across the country ever since we do the best job. I think we have the best data and we know where the voters are and we know how to motivate them. So with that being said I want to congratulate a few people. This today, one of them is a former congressman our west who is back he moved from Florida to Texas. He is now the chair of the Texas Republican Party. That is a big state and that is a big job. And Allen West is the right man for that job. Let me tell you why because Texas is a 60% black, Latin Asian That's right. We we actually got to stop saying minorities are not minority. They're millennial. They're there they have I think we'll call them. millennium, not millennium. Let me get it right. Because it's a tough word for me. They are melanin, melanin people. So melanin people, melanin, melanin people, people with melanin in their skin and don't get sunburned as easy. Those melanin people are actually the majority population of Texas. And we're happy to say that black Latin and Asian conservatives are doing a great job in Texas, they're uniting. So if you go to our website, www dot black pack that GLP bl AK Pac, that GLP you'll see a picture with our west up there smiling with a group of Latins and Asians and in the blacks and whites, all getting along all sharing good times. So congratulations to Aaron west for putting pulling that state together. Our next two, congratulations, go to Lacey Johnson, Lacey Johnson's in Minnesota. He's running for Congress. Great job. He's in district five in Minnesota, and also Kindle calls. We also endorsed him. He's running in district three in Minnesota. So I want to congratulate our brothers who are holding it down, and winning races and places where you would not expect them to win Minnesota and Texas, which shows the strength of blackpack. We are getting people elected and put in positions of power and authority across the United States. And we're doing it the right way. We're getting out the vote. And we're motivating people based on pro life, which means they're anti abortion. We're motivating them based on low taxes. We're motivating them based on school choice. Very important. You're right now as we're talking as we're dealing with People who want to send their kids back to school. And maybe you need to form your own school and door yourself, a group of parents, but we allow that there's a lot of states that won't allow parents to get together and form schools. But we believe that you can make the best choice for your own children. And like president said, if the schools are open up, we'll send the money to the parents. Can you believe that? We will send them money to the parents to educate their children the way they see fit. That's America. That's freedom. So I want to thank everybody for listening. And that's our background on blackpack. We've got some tough issues to talk about. We got the President's race to talk about we got President Trump, we got President, Vice President Pence, we have Joe Biden. Now let me tell you what I'm not going to do. I'm not going to call names. I think that when people earn a certain rights of dignity and respect, you don't call them names. That's one of the Things I do not like in our politics today, this name calling in the fact that we see so many of these people, calling other people out of their name, not giving them the honor respect that they've earned over a lifetime. I don't care who you are, you should not do it. You know, the Bible tells us and I'm not a Bible quarter, when I was a boy I did as a boy did when I was a man I do as a man do it. Men do not call other men out their name is in the Bible. So if you need to know where it is in the Bible, and, you know, we've got to stop this childish behavior of calling people out of their name and making up nicknames and all that stuff, you know, as a, as a businessman, sometimes successful, sometimes not. I'll put this out as a warning to President Trump. You can talk yourself out of the presidency. And if you're finding that your poll numbers are slipping, because you're maybe doing a good job of talking yourself out of the presidency or talking yourself out of Have a business deal it happens happened to me, you can over talk your position and lose people. So that is just a warning from blackpack. I'm supporting you, but you're on the way to talking yourself off the presidency, Mr. President, but you still have our endorsement, and we just want you to change little few things about your behavior. We call you out on it, we support you, but we don't like to call people out of their names. So and I'm gonna stay by that if I catch some hate on it. Then, you know, I'll call you and whatever. But we don't do that at blackpack. We respect everybody we meet. Whether it's a you know, someone just getting a college degree, someone doesn't have a college degree. We still call them Mr. Sir. We still say Yes, ma'am. We still say please, and thank you. Those are basic human principles. And one of the principles we don't enjoy is calling people out of their name. So let's let's stop that childish behavior all across both sides of the aisle, Democrat or Republican. We can do without that we need to go back to We respect everyone, no matter what their level is. You respect the janitor. Hey, that's hard work, okay? Respect the housekeeper, you expect the maid you respect the janitor, you respect the president, you expect everybody in your company, because if you're building a company, everybody has to have respect and be a part of that when you build a team and government is the same thing. You disrespect no one by calling them out of their name. I think I've gone on long enough with that. So let's go to the next thing. We've got victories in the GOP, three strong, black men who are very respectful. And Matter of fact, Chairman West is always say, Sir, he still has that military called everybody, sir. That's one of the things I like about him. He's a great guy. Let's talk about polling. Before we get to polling, both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party are pretty much neck and neck in terms of dollars. They both have close to 200 million cash. cash on hand. Let me say that again. 200 million cash on hand, the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. What would I like to see next with both of these huge organizations with $200 million? Hey, I would like to see some inclusion. I would like to see some contracting, I would like to see at least 10 to 20%. Of that 400 million $80 million, go toward what I would say melanin firms, melanin firms, black Latin and Asian firms. I like to see some of that money, not just go to, you know, non melanin firms but melanin firms. I like to see it go to printers, to restaurants, to T shirt vendors, everybody. You know, if we were going to talk about the United States of America, we're going to have to see some united cash to Americans. So both parties, which are doing a poor job of actually doing vending And spending money with a melanated Americans. It's time to change up is 2020. And we can't just talk it, we got to walk it. We've been doing a lot of talk about who's fair and in blacks and Latins and Asians are melanated Americans, hey, it's time to, it's time to step up to the plate, Democratic Party, every republican party, you know, we can't just be stepping fetch, it's, we can't just be your butt boys, as we used to call them. We can't just be there for show and not for go. So you know, it's time to stop the dating, it's time to start the marriage. It's time to really have a partnership here with our melanated Americans. So let's let's get there. And I like to see that because I watch these dollars spent very closely by myself. I would like to see these dollars spent with some black vendors, and I want to hear about it. I want to hear about it on the Democratic side. I want to hear about it or republican stuff. I want to hear from your state party if you got a state party and they're not spending money with the melanated Americans in the United States, hey, it's time to change. You can't just talk it, you know, we're not we're going to look behind the curtain, you know, look curtain in The Wizard of Oz, we're gonna look behind that curtain. And we want to see some dollar spent with some people, we want to see some inclusion, we really want to see some inclusion in it in this pot of dollars. This $400 million, that's half a billion folks. half a billion dollars. And during this time of COVID, hey, you can make a lot of it can make a lot of difference. It can make a whole lot of difference. Now, let's how do we recover from this COVID thing? I wasn't gonna talk about this one. We're talking about COVID. The other day I went to a mall. And I can tell, I couldn't understand. When I went to the mall. I didn't understand why Wall Street was doing so well. And it hit me while I'm shopping lists mall, the only stores opening the mall or Wall Street corporations, stock trading corporations, all the small mom and pops all the people had two or three stores. The only things left open were franchises that are publicly traded. And that's why you're doing so well then the only things open the only things to spend dollars with your Lowe's, your Walmart, your your big stores, your big box stores, your McDonald's, your burger king. Anything that's publicly traded is going well because that's all it is less to go and buy from. That's a weird situation that almost makes the American dream of prosperity for all dead. So now your choice and which is why employment seems to be way up is because the major corporations are hiring and they're hiring because all their competitors are done. Closed. How do we turn that around? How do we put capital And funding back into the US where a guy can start a store hardware store small hardware store and grow or open his restaurant with his mother's recipe and grow. Because right now, we got to put some capital on the street to bring this economy back. And we can't just keep dumping the money into Wall Street, you hear me minuchin We can't just keep giving money to your friends on Wall Street. We got to find a way through credit unions. The NCUA, the National Credit Union Administration and credit unions and small banks and minority owned banks to get that money back out there on the street so people can open a business and have a dream. Buy a house without having to work for a major corporation, because that's where we're heading to COVID is not just a health problem we got in we got an economic problem, where only the big boys are surviving only the stronger surviving. So with that, I've talked about blackjack we talked about politics, we talked about some finance. I hope this opens up your mind to what's going on. And I hope that you look up blackpack de la k Pac that GOP look up our candidates in Florida look up our candidates in Georgia, Mississippi, Louisiana, New York, Maryland, California, Texas, Minnesota, in New York, especially and I think we've got a couple in Connecticut. Look for our candidates and give us some feedback. You can email me through the web page blackpack. GOP. Email us back, let us know what you think of us. Let us know what you think about what I'm talking about. Let us know what you're thinking about what we're doing today. And how we can make a difference and make America better is all about working together. As I always say, teamwork makes the dream work. So together black Latin Asians are mentally our melanated Americans. I should come up with a easier term but let's go with that. melanated American friends. We want to be full partners in America. We're tired In this minority stuff, we're not gonna say minority anymore. There are no minorities. Everybody's a majority in blackpack, there are no minority. We're all we're all important. We're melanated or nama made it and that's about it. We have flavor, flavor, flavor, plain vanilla, whatever you want to say. But you know, this word minority. I'm not going to use it anymore. It's the last time you're hear me say it. So record that. And now we're melanated Americans. Oh, yeah, Trump is playing up on that now. We got to protect you women in the suburbs. I mean, black you live in the suburbs and how you talk so there's a lot of fear in America. There's a lot of fear in this country right now. A lot of people are spreading fear using coded language. You know, Black Lives Matter. White Lives Matter. Black Lives Matter. Asian Lives Matter. Elevated Lives Matter. Nine melanated lives matter. This fear mongering has got to stop because we can all get along. You know, my life is like a United Nation, I get along with everybody. There's nobody out that I know of with my group blackpack is out to hurt any other groups. We just want to get along. And we can get along, we can get along as the United States of America. There's, there's nothing, I'm not against anybody in even the people who are just me. I don't pay attention to me, it doesn't bother me. So, I want you to understand blackpack is for everybody. That shares our values, we want you to share, we share values, we share friendship. That's what it's all about. Now, if you if you believe in this mission, if you believe in what we're doing, please send us a donation, go to our web page. Go to our web page. If you believe in our mission, share it with us, tell your friends check out this group called Black pack been around for five years. They have success getting people elected to office. We helped elect congressman Brian mass in Florida. He's a Mexican American war heroes great guy. on the state level, we help Mike Hill in Florida. He's a great guy. All these people live what I call colorblind they don't see color they see character. If they're melanated, great, if not, also great. But we need you to join together we need to be united states of america, we need to be together. One group fighting against another group is not going to work those racial those racial coded words, we don't want to hear it. We want to we want to hear that you're going to do great by the United States as all we care about, that you're pro life that you're low taxes, because we're going to need low taxes, we're gonna need a lot of taxes to pay off all this debt that we've given the Wall Street. We gonna need everybody to come together. So I prayed. If you like us, join us. And we'll work together, we'll make this country great. Again, we got to make it great again, because right now, we're not so great. I don't even think we can travel outside the United States. I don't think either country will have us. That's pretty bad when other countries tell you to stay home, we don't want your money. So we've got to get back to the point where people love us, people love America, people want to come here and live here, raise their children here. And they want to cross that border and become citizens. So thank God for America. And thank you for listening. website. Folks, please visit us let us know that you liked us. Let us know if you don't like us. KP ac GLP one more time, that's P ac that GOP blackpack that GLP. We look forward to hearing from you. Whether you like us or not, we still like to hear I like to hear from everybody. And we'd like to opportunity to win you over to our side so you can see things our way and we can work together. That's America folks. Everybody gets along.

Dwayne E. Shigg :

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