BlakPac Electing Conservative Leaders
BlakPAC was founded by George Farrell, Sandra Lopez and Former Marion County Florida School Board Chair Angelia Boynton. BlakPAC is the nations most effective and largest Conservative minority political organization, focused on voter registration and electing Minority conservatives. BlakPAC is the leading organization in America uniting conservatives across ethnic lines because we understand Conservative values matter more than racial differences. We own the largest repository of minority voter data in America compiled by our proprietary Cerebrum-AI technology.The BlakPac mission is to protect our United States Constitution by supporting Conservative leaders that are: Pro-Second Amendment, Pro-Life, Pro-School Choice and Traditional Marriage.Teamwork makes the Dream work! Become Colorblind-Leave Racism Behind!
7 episodes
BLAKPAC Chair George T. Farrell is joined by Terence L. Shigg to discuss the recent violation of the Halls of Congress. Blakpac condemns the actions of those who desecrated the Halls of Congress with violence. BLAKPAC stands firm on...
Season 1
Episode 7
Republicans need us more than we need them
BLAKPAC Chair George T. Farrell is joined by Terence L. Shigg to discuss the recent election results. BLAKPAC was successful in getting several candidates elected. George calls on the Republican party to commit to real diversity. The diff...
Season 1
Episode 6
Take the Art Fletcher (father of affirmative action) Pledge
In this episode George is joined by Terence L. Shigg. BLAKPAC is returning to the past to fix the future. BLAKPAC is calling on all political campaign to commit to spending 10% of their budgets with Black owned businesses. This is the Art Fletc...
Season 1
Episode 5
"Melaninated" Americans
George has committed to stop using the word "minority" his new word is Melaninated Americans. Blacks, Latins and Asians are not minorities because together we make a majority. George also discusses how we must refinance the American dream and n...
Episode 4
Officer Friendly
BLAKPAC Chair George T. Farrel discusses the incident in Colorado where the police handcuffed an African American family and had them lay on the ground because they incorrectly believed the car they were in was stolen. George as a former police...
Episode 3