BlakPac Electing Conservative Leaders


George Farrell Season 1 Episode 7

BLAKPAC Chair George T. Farrell is joined by Terence L. Shigg to  discuss the recent violation of the Halls of Congress.  Blakpac condemns the actions of those who desecrated the Halls of Congress with violence. BLAKPAC stands firm on its principles of Pro Life, Pro Business and Pro School Choice. Blakpac knows how to talk about these issues to all people and promotes diversity and inclusion.  George talks about how the GOP, specifically, Ronna Romney McDaniel FAILED. They  failed to get out and talk to the people about the accomplishments of the Trump administration.  

George T. Farrell:

Good day everyone my name is George Burrell. I'm with blackpack de la KP a c. hope you're all having a good day the

Dwayne E. Shigg:

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George T. Farrell:

events of the last few days have shocked all of us. And we need to come together as a country black Latin Asians, whites, Puerto Ricans, everybody so that we can keep this country together. I am a native Washingtonian from Washington DC I served as a metropolitan police officer. And I am shocked at the lack of security and preparation of the Capitol Hill police is just unheard of that they were unprepared. And I don't know if that's everybody was still on Christmas vacation or New Year's vacation or hung over. Not sure what's going on with that police department. But it needs to actually be everyone needs to be fired from the from the leadership level, the chief has already stepped down. But the lieutenants the captains in the sergeants should all be fired, someone did not go up the proper chain of command and secure one of our most Reverend institutions. And that's unacceptable in any country, not just the United States. It's unacceptable in any country to be that unprepared for a demonstration in a breach of security and putting 535 members of Congress and their staff in danger because you didn't know what would happen after those people got in the building. Let me explain this because I'm a former police officer. I can explain this a little bit. There are two police stations metropolitan police stations that cover Capitol Hill one is called one D. The other was called one D one which only handles Capitol Hill and that disposal are every crowd control device you can imagine. Actually they use fire trucks as crowd control because a fire truck to fire their water cannons and push crowds back. The fact that there was not a fire truck on the scene to handle this crowd amazes me just amazes me that they would allow that many people to be that close to the capital in the office buildings where Congress resides to fire trucks with a handle that crowd and push them back. The fact that they're not there amazes me. The fact that the Metropolitan Police Department was not on the scene amazes me in the fact that the Capitol Hill police were so unprepared is just unacceptable. You've put so many people at risk. You put 535 Congress people at risk the senators in their staffs in the staffs were hiding under their desks, Nancy Pelosi his laptop was stolen from the chief on down to every every leadership position to sergeant should be fired is unacceptable. I'm not sure who they were hiring but you have we have the best military police in the country. At every base around Washington you have Andrews Air Force Base, where the President helicopter takes off. You have bases in Virginia, you have bases in Maryland surrounding Washington, DC, the fact that we were not coordinated and ready for this attack. And this was an attack on liberty and attack on justice and attack on America. I cannot make excuses for these people knowing that they had no right to go into that building. Other people want to make excuses and call them patrons. They weren't patrons, their riders. The Smithsonian has better security for their artifacts just for artifacts. And I want to apologize for the people who felt who felt that their lives were intact. Because you probably felt if you weren't in that building that your life was in danger, you didn't know what was going on, there was no communication. Imagine being in your home and someone storming your home, in the fear that would go through your mind. The whole, the whole situation is unacceptable. I am I and I want to apologize, and I've been there. So I'll start with that. And we we need to secure our, our our government employees better. I mean, I I know that a lot of people think government employees are worthless. And all these people work hard every day. They've been under a lot of stress working through a pandemic wearing masks. There's a lot of tension. And I want to apologize and send prayers out to all these people who felt that their lives may have been in danger by an encroachment on our US Capitol.

Terence Shigg:

And it's not like, I guess you could say it's a, it's a symptom or a sign of the times what things have culminated to, and what you're saying is, we have to come together, because we are the same. We're on the same side, we're one country. And so how do we? Well, first of all, how do you what do you think, how do you think we got to this point? And where do you think we go?

George T. Farrell:

Well, we got to this point, because maybe we did have a rigged election, but there's a better way to handle it. I have not seen the evidence of a rigged election, there's been court after court that have thrown it out. People have asked for proof of dead voters and a list of names. They haven't been provided a list of names of these dead voters and voters that weren't eligible to vote, which is why the courts keep throwing it out you allays like alleging someone stole a candy bar and say, well show me the candy bar they stole, you don't show the candy bar, right? You got to have some real solid proof in the course have been throwing this out when bringing this up to people the course of throwing this out because you're asking the same thing. If someone stole something, show me what they stole, and show me where it is. If someone stole a car, you know, where's the car they stole? Well, the car they stolen is over there and ignition is broken. And you can prove it. They have their fingerprints on it. Right? We need we need the same type of evidence to prove that this election was stolen. And unfortunately, the people making the actual accusations have not shown the fingerprints. So people are believing something without evidence. So and that's that's been the main problem. You say these votes were stolen? Show me the evidence on the computers or show me the names of the people you say that have voted that we're not eligible to vote? Yes. And that's what was missing. You're saying? Well, we need signature verification? Well, signatures verification is for the future in the past, you just accuse people of stealing votes. Show me the names. And several people have asked for the list of names of people that you say that that did or on eligible for some other reason. And you haven't provided that list of names of dead people that you said voted and that's why the courts keep throwing this out. And I'm following this as close as anyone that here's the here's the real reason. The President logs in this is unprecedent. To make light of this, but Bill Clinton had oral sex in the white house he got reelected. Okay. That's amazing to me to have a president a sitting president, not be elected, because his party, the Republican National Party, committee, the GOP fail to do a good job. They fail to have inclusion of blacks Latin and Asians in their party. That's why the President lost is that is that simple. You go through the voting list and you don't have any blacks that voted for them or any republicans or Asians or Latins, not enough. That's why you lost Why did you lose because the party that you're in, ran by mitt romney's nice. Ronna romney did a bad job for you. They did not do a get out to vote job properly. You lost because your party failed. You. Don't blame it on stolen votes. Blame it on your party blaming or your team, your team failed to help you. Let's look at this as a basketball team. You're I don't want to bring down LeBron I'm sure he don't like this. You're LeBron James and nobody's passing you the ball. You're LeBron James and nobody can dribble. That's what happened to your team. Mr. President, your team was a gross failure, you need to look at the Republican National Committee, the leadership in that committee. And whether you have good teammates, you have horrible teammates, you that's what failed, you look at, look at your Republican National Committee, you need to fire them, you need to get rid of them, you need to clean house. But it's too late for you now, what you can do now is gracefully exit the building for peaceful transitional part of power. And make sure your people who are there coordinate with the by the administration, and you may not like their policies, but it's your duty as President, to make sure that there's a peaceful transition apart of power, to make sure your people don't tear up notes, in meetings, transcripts, and that you do it with dignity. And with pride, you do it with dignity, you know, you hold up our institutions, you hold up our country, and you say, I'm out, you're in, come in, I'm going to open the door to you, I'm going to welcome you like a grown up not like a child, I want to, I'm going to open this, I'm going to work with you as an adult, I'm going to be an adult, and I'm going to let you in, take over I don't agree with your policies, but we're going to work together. That's where it will start. When people will follow the president with dignity. And he let's bind him with dignity. Without the name calling, then we can start to heal this country.

Terence Shigg:

Something that you always talked about. And as far as the the inclusion part of it. And I think that is something that is evident going forward for any politician or any campaign in any organization to recognize that you're going to have to deal with us, you're going to have to include us. And it shouldn't be this battle. That. To do this. We shouldn't you shouldn't have to demand it should be a it should be a no brainer.

George T. Farrell:

Well, let me make this clear for the Republican side, not a democrat on the Republican side. Going forward going forward from Georgia, the losses in Georgia, Stacey Abrams has a game plan, she's going to spread that game brand to Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, Texas, in Florida. The Democrats don't have a game plan with inclusion, or candidates, they have to start from scratch. They don't have a plan right now. If they don't come up with a plan with Mr. Trump or whoever, the democrats have a plan, the republicans don't have a plan. They don't have a plan going forward. They don't have leadership. They just lost in Georgia, they don't know what they're going to do. They have to start from scratch. The Republican Party has to start from scratch. In North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Louisiana, Tennessee, and Florida, they have to start from scratch with leadership on down. The Democrats have a great plan. They have a great plan. If you're a democrat and you and you are pro abortion, and you don't believe in school choice, they have a plan for you. They're praying may not benefit you, but they have a plan that they're going to get you out to the polls, the republicans have no idea how to get the people out to the polls, they've actually suppressed their voters by saying that the system doesn't work for them. So now you have people who won't vote, you don't have to really work hard to get them to vote because you told them don't trust the system. So we they have a lot to do a lot of work to do on the Republican side. I think the democrats have it together, it's gonna be harder for Republicans to win in the south. Well, it's

Terence Shigg:

something that I was thinking about is how do you because I, it really seems like the dilemma that plays out is they seem to be trying to figure out how do you how do you keep your foundation or your base and expand when base it's almost as if they see the two as mutually exclusive, meaning you can't have the base and expand at the same time, which, as we know, I mean, that's not true. But it seems that's how the the organization operate, is that I mean, if you get that impression,

George T. Farrell:

they they have a base they need expansion. The problem is they don't know how to do expansion. The people they need to expand to they don't know how to communicate with the they don't know how to communicate with with Latins, or Asians, or African Americans or any other people who are not I would say good old boys. So they don't they don't know how to communicate outside good old boys, is the issues thing are the way that black pack communities and black packs communicate on issues. We talked about school choice we talked about Don't you want your child to have a good education, especially with this COVID going on. We talk about pro life. We support pro life issues, but we don't shove it down people's throat. These are the things that, that when voters we talk about opportunity for business, how do we expand opportunities for business in low income areas? How do we get loans out? How do we use the SBA to help people get a start in business, who want to start a business, no matter how small that business may be, that may be an online business, it doesn't have to be an office building, you could sell designer shirts or shoes online, you could you could be in a music business and be pushing your, your, your your music online, and selling it online through all the online platforms. That's a business, you know, masterpiece, and all these other guys started selling music out of their trunk when they were still tapes and CDs. Now you don't sell tapes and CDs. Now you sell it online, where people can buy your your music, these are businesses that we are successful at that sometimes we need a little bit of help and a little bit of guidance. And that's where you can win people over? Are we going to provide more assistance for businesses in low income area, especially COVID? Where you can't even do business face to face anymore? How do you transfer your rest? How do you transform your restaurant business into a delivery only business, your business now may be delivery only. And that could be a great business. If you're starting out of your house, and you're making bakery products, and you're doing delivery only that could be a growth business, you can grow from one location to another, we've got to think outside the box to help people restart their businesses and restart their lives in the age of COVID. And that's something that the republican party in blackjack can help do we're working on those things, because we're looking at how do we restart the small businesses in our communities.

Terence Shigg:

And so what you're talking about is quintessentially what politics was originally, that's what it was you were supposed to do, like you said you want to politics one on one is, how do you impact your community and provide resources from them? That's what your representative and representative, you're supposed to go out and get those things. So how do they How do they get that message out, and not get it drowned out by all the other noise, if that makes,

George T. Farrell:

that makes a lot of sense how you get the message out that you're at a party or pro business, pro life and pro education. You do it, you just do it you lead by example. And that's one thing that the republican party has to do, we had to lead by example. We can't just do it with TV ads and radio ads that are talking negative about the other candidate. That's where you fail. That's where we failed in Georgia. Our our, our message was about how bad the other guy was. It wasn't about how good we were. We talked more about the other candidates on a lot of ads, and how bad they were that we never got the the message out that hey, we're the party of education. We're the party. I mean, Trump did a lot of good things for education. Trump made all the HBCU funding permanent, it actually been done year to year with an HBCU had to go up to Capitol Hill and beg for money that should have been permanent years ago. He made HBCU funding permanent. That's amazing. So now these schools don't have to bet he actually increased funding by 20 30%. That message never got out there. Especially in Georgia, where you have a number of HBCUs message never got delivered. There's a lot of message, a lot of things that he did that did not deliver, he got a vaccine done in less than a year. That's a great thing. Under Democrat, you still be waiting maybe 20% making excuses as to why there's not a vaccine. The bind administration is going to benefit from a process that was sped up regulations were weighed in it was done in less than a year. So there's a lot of there's a lot of positive things that Republican Party did, right. What did they do wrong? They didn't get they didn't deliver this message. They fail to deliver this message. People who are knowledgeable like me understand what the difference was, but they didn't get the message to the right people to say that they had done a great job.

Terence Shigg:

And agreed on that one. Because Yeah, I mean, you look at it, and you look at the organization that Stacey Abrams has set up and the get out the vote and the bus tour. They were really in the communities speaking to the people and instructing them directly on Okay, this is what we this is what we're about. This is what we're doing. This is where you need to go. This is how you sign up. I think I was looking at some of the statistics and they were even saying They had a certain number of voters, somewhere above 90,000. That hadn't even noted in the presidential election that voted in the this just this runoff. So they mean, so that's the type of ground game that you have to have going forward, because the future is just gonna get more and more competitive, right?

George T. Farrell:

Yeah, we got a great, we've got a great ground game. With blackpack. This lady named Teresa Jones, she does a great job. We take young people out, we train them and how to get how to be canvassers. And we have a great game. Good ground game.

Terence Shigg:

Can you talk about? Can you talk about that a little bit explain good ground game as far as because your database thing, the ground game, the training, I think that's important for you to know that those things exist. Because you really don't want you don't see that.

George T. Farrell:

You don't see that? Well. blackpack has a ground game, we have a ground game team led by law, Teresa Jones, where she takes we take young people usually 25 to 20. And we train them how to properly knock on the door, how to present yourself How to say, Ma'am, I'm with this campaign. And I'm here to ask if you're going to vote, are you going to do mail envelope voting, if you're going to do mail in voting, we will give you a stamp and we handle a personal stamp everybody that we go knock on the door, if they're going to do a mail in ballot, we actually hand them a stamp so that they can, they may not use the stamp, but they'll remember, Hey, I got this stamp from this blackpack group. I liked them I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna vote for their person just because he gave us a stamp. So sometimes a stamp can do a lot more than he think. So we do a lot of canvassing and training and going on presentations. And it really opens up the the eyes of these young people because they some of them have never worked before. So we're taking them from non work to working in a situation. And this is tiring work, you're knocking on doors. Usually we knock on almost 40 to 50 doors a day, sometimes up to 101 person knocking on 100 doors, presenting themselves over and over again. And after about 40 of door they developed their own personality, their own their own way of presentation is a very nice presentation. So not everyone does the same presentation. We don't turn them into robots. We also have a team that does phone banking, where they're calling people all day long and having conversations and having the same conversation where it says Hey, my name is this. I'm with blackpack and I'm calling to ask for your vote. Are you going to vote earlier? Or are you going to vote in person? Once we do that, we have people that make up to 200 to 300 calls a day, it can be a little bit tiring, you have to take a few breaks every now and then. But after we log in every single call what the response is, where are they going to vote for your candidate or not? That gives us an idea of how we're running. It's our own polling. So we have our own internal polling. We have our own training for candidates where we train candidates, how first how to pick an office to run for how to count votes. Because if you're going to run for an office, the first thing you have to do is know how many people voted in the last election. So you can estimate how many people gonna vote in the next election, then you have to see if they voted Republican, they voted Democrat, they voted independent. The first thing to do a lot of candidates try to skip this part is know who won the last race, how many votes they won by and where they Republican, Democrat before you even choose to run for an office. We love people to run for school board because we need more people on the school board who really, really care. And school board training is great because now you're involved in a young person, what their meals are every day. What they're reading, you know, are they reading proper books, are they reading things that are off the wall? So I love school board, school board races are nonpartisan, most school boards. They don't care if you're republican or democrat or independent. But it's great training to learn how you're going to perform in a meeting and operate as a part of a team before you go on to city commission or county commission or even run for Congress. So we have a grassroots training session that trains people on how to run for office. We train kids on how to knock on doors, proper phone etiquette. We take them to different events in because once you're involved in a political campaign, those events all over the place that we take them to is great training in our candidates when we just put two blacks in Congress, Burgess Owens, environment Donald's from Florida, for Asians to Koreans from California, in Orange County. So we had a large impact this year is on our website, which is AK Pac GOP You'll see the list of all the folks that we helped get elected in 2020. In 2022, we're gonna have a major, major impact that like I said, we may not run a lot of people as Republicans, we may run people as independence. Because we don't know if the Republican Party, we don't know if the Republican Party is going to survive the next two years.

Terence Shigg:

Well, one of the things that's a great overall view of all the things that blackpack offers that is unique. And, and I'd like that you gave the website because I want people to know that in order to do that, it takes resources it takes funding. And so people donating to black pack, this is what it's for. And does black pack, because black pack is independent of candidates. Correct. And how does that work?

George T. Farrell:

Well, we we are an outside organization. We are conservative, I like to say we're more conservative than Republican. So we are, you know, we are a values organization of values that we support. Again, I'm pro life, pro school choice and pro business. If we're if we're if we're on those issues, and there's a lot of democrats that are also agree with those issues. So if you agree with those issues, we're the organization for you again, our websites k Pac back DLP, and you can see the work that we do and in our postings, we also have a Twitter at at real blackpack is our Twitter. I do a lot on LinkedIn. I love LinkedIn as a business is a business site, but I use it a lot for politics. We have Instagram, we have parlor. So our social media is growing and growing. And we can tell that we're going to have a great, a great year for 2021. So raising money if you want to, you want to go to our website and donate, donate whatever you can. We don't beat you over the head. We're just happy that we can get done, what we need to be done. What we need to get done and we do want people to look us up and we want people to to see what I'm doing to see what all our members are doing and to see what our candidates are doing. We have an event on February 20 is going to be in St. Petersburg, Florida is our Frederick Douglass Day event is actually probably going to expand right now we have a luncheon. One day so far we have the most prominent black leaders coming so far. We have Elbert Guillory is attending from Louisiana. He's he's going to be our main speaker. We also have former lieutenant governor Jennifer Carroll from Florida. She's going to be their powerful dynamic lady was lieutenant governor. We have a city council member from Daytona Beach quani to May. She's going to be a powerful force. He's one of the city council of Daytona Beach where they launch rockets into space. We have a former mayor Pro Tem from stonecrest, Georgia forgetting her name, but we have we have her we have Webster Barnaby, who's on who's in the state legislature in Florida, Webster Barnaby. Diane adomah is the lady who's a stonecrest. Mayor. She's former stonecrest mayor, she's gonna be there. So we have a lot of people who are coming who have served in government, who can lend you their knowledge. We have a lot of people who are currently in government. And we have a lot of people who are knowledgeable about about government and how it works and how to get elected. So we're focusing on in 2022, getting people elected getting them elected so that they can move up in one day move to Congress. The speaker for for this event. is a good friend of mine. We have him elected in Sarasota, Naples, Florida, Florida area. And I'm horrible with names I should write up. But I can post I can post the event is the Frederick Douglass event is gentlemen, we just got elected to Congress. And we would like to have you there. And we expect a lot more people come so far we've got 100 people coming in, we're going to have 200 people coming is going to be all COVID guidelines. We're going to be social distancing. We may all be in like a plastic suit swap. We talk to each other. But as in St. Petersburg, Florida. We're also going to do a webcast The next day, we're where we're going to do training for canvassing, we're going to do training for how to run for office. We're going to have Vernon Robinson who's a mail how, who really knows how to do direct mail. Bernie Robinson is going to talk about the effectiveness of direct mail he he worked on several campaigns has been very effective. So we're going to have people who know how to win So if you're interested in running for any office, any office, no matter what from, from dog catcher to Congress, maybe even president will be there to help you, we'll be there to help you set up your your base of operations tell you what works, what doesn't work. What doesn't work is when you know, we get people who have never served in office and want to run for Congress and say God told him to run. That doesn't work that way. You got to have some experience before you get to Congress. And we like to have experienced people that have served in other offices, other positions from whether school board whether City Council, whether it's county commission, and that way you build yourself a base to run for higher office later, if you like government, you like serving in government, that's great. A lot of people run they find out is not a thing for them, and they go do something else. But we like people who who have served in low office been successful and want to move up to other offices, or maybe Stay where you are, have been on a county commission for two or three terms is is is great, because you can help your community. I mean, if you want to county commission, you can determine what rows go where you can determine the zoning for your city, you can determine a lot a lot of things you're gonna determine where apartment buildings go, where a mall goes. So serving on city council is is I think the lower offices are more important than Congress.

Terence Shigg:

They get so caught up, like I said, in the noise, politicians and personalities and you know, and hit pieces that they forget that they are grassroots. They are not even grad they're grassroots. There are organizations out there like black backpack that are fundamentally there to uphold what the politicians are there for, and to teach people the right way and how it is ideally to be done. So I think people get turned off by politics because they don't hear this enough.

George T. Farrell:

Yeah, what they need to understand, let's say you're on a school board. And and, you know, schools, school board issues, construction contracts, for buildings, for gyms. For playgrounds, that is a lot of money and school boards. Also, what's important is you choose to dental care and a doctor care no medical care for the students in your in your care. You know, sometimes the child only gets dental care through a school board. So these are important decisions, which means you're going to issue a contract for the local dentist, which means you can make sure that dentist looks like you're you can make sure you hiring black dentists or black doctors or a black construction firm or site development firms or architects. That's why I think school boards so important the school board to me is sometimes a mini city. Sometimes it provides more Mercer, more services than the city. And when you're in a city council, you determine zoning you determine what type of building goes where you determine who is the Chief of Police, who's the chief of the fire department, whether you're going to have a black police chief or Spanish police chief, all this is important on the city level. All this is important on these local levels. You want to county you determine where the county roads go. You determine who is the electrical person that fixes your your lines, and your sewers and your water treatment. You're talking millions of dollars that you get to control as a city council member, a county council member or school board member. And whether the person who gets gets those contracts for security and other things looks like you is part of your community. And believe me, when you're helping a business grow, when you're helping that doctor or lawyer and you're making those friendships and making sure that people in your community look like you that are doing business with you is a is a great way to stay in office. That's part of the process. But we've got to learn that government can work with us, for us or against us. But we we have to learn it at the local level. So I really push for candidates to get elected to local level that care. I look for candidates that have some business experience and some what we look for. We look for candidates that have those values that are conservative, you know, we can't I hate to go there. But if you're looking at candidates that are all they care about is abortion, abortion, abortion and pushing abortion on your community. That's not the candidate for you. You're eliminating your own people. That's not right. So we're looking for candidates that care about people.

Dwayne E. Shigg:

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