BlakPac Electing Conservative Leaders

Republicans need us more than we need them

George Farrell/ Terence L. Shigg Season 1 Episode 6

BLAKPAC Chair George T. Farrell is joined by Terence L. Shigg to  discuss the recent election results. BLAKPAC was successful in getting several candidates elected. George calls on the Republican party to commit to real diversity. The difference between a loss in Georgia and a win in Florida was the minority vote. This sharp contrast in results and data shows that the Republican party needs the minority vote in order to win and therefore proves they need US more than we need them. George also calls on both of the parties to spend money with Black, Latin and Asian businesses. George will also be speaking at an event in February in Florida.

George T. Farrell:

Hello, everyone, I'm George Farrell. I am the founder of blakpac, founded in 2015, to elect black conservatives across the country. And we were very successful. This time around, we elected Byron Donald's to Congress from Florida. He's a great guy. He's has previous experience. He was actually a state representative in Florida before he ran for Congress for free terms. So we are having a lot of success. We also have Burgess Owens in Colorado. And we have about four or five other elected officials from across the country, that we were successful in getting elected. So with that, I'll introduce myself blackpack does stands for the black Latin Asian knowledge political action committee, which means that we help black Latin Asians getting elected across the country. So that's the black backstory. So thank you so much for listening today to our blog cast. This is George Farrell from blakpac. We'll be right back. After these important messages.

Dwayne E. Shigg:

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Terence Shigg:

That's a good segue into everybody knows that we just had an election. And we've had still going on, I guess I should say. Yeah. So kind of give us I know you kind of told us one of the successes one of the people that won what was blackpack looking for what were you guys trying to accomplish? And what did you think were your things that worked and things that kind of you need to even do even better next time?

George T. Farrell:

Well, don't don't an autopsy of the election president and the president elect are still battling it out. We don't know where this thing is going to end up. But what we did find out from our numbers in blackjack, is that if you're running as a Republican in the south, you cannot win without the black republican vote. So the black republican vote is actually the most important vote for the Republican Party, which means the republican party needs us more than we need them. So right now where we're getting ready for 2022. We're getting our black candidates and our black nominees ready. And if they're successful, some of them are going to run as independents, but some of them are going to run as Republicans. But our candidates are shaped by values. They're pro life, their pro Second Amendment, and their pro school choice. Those are the three issues that blackpack candidates all believe in pro life, pro choice, pro Second Amendment. And once we get that out of the way, everything else is relative. So we expect to have about 20 to 30, maybe more candidates running for Congress, black, Hispanic, and Asian in 2022. We're going to support them all. And if the republican party doesn't support us, we'll run his independent. Let me say that one more time. Let's make this clear. Republican party needs us more than we need them.

Terence Shigg:

Excellent. Now, there's two parts to that one I wanted to, to break down because you guys have one of the the best databases of any of the pacs out there. So you, you know what you're talking about. It's not like you're just speaking anecdotal, you're talking from data and stats that show just like you said, in order for the Republican Party to win, they need the black republican vote.

George T. Farrell:

Correct. That's why they lost in Georgia because I hate to say this, but the person that really cost Loss, Georgian, and I'm not blaming him, but Herman Cain, I believe, passed in June. And Herman Cain was a very influential black Republican in Georgia. I think herman cain probably controlled about 100 to 200,000 votes. And when he passed, no one picked up that mantle in Georgia, in the folks that the President thought he could count on. A weren't really politicians. There. There. They, they weren't politicians, they were cheerleaders. So that was herman cain Republican Party didn't have a chance to win in Georgia. So that is that that's what our autopsy revealed that herman cain without Herman Cain, Republican Party can't win a statewide race in Georgia. So it's very important for the Republican Party to interact with real politicians with real business people, if they want to maintain control in the south. And that's not going to happen. Because in the south, every from Florida to Texas, every race is only one by two or 3%. And that's why the black republican vote is so important.

Terence Shigg:

As you said that black republican vote in blackpack has three main points, platforms,

George T. Farrell:

that's our platform, pro life, pro choice, pro Second Amendment, go three things don't change pro God, of course, right. But you can be Muslim to be very conservative, very, extremely conservative.

Terence Shigg:

And that's something I know you've talked about before is, that's one of the things that needs to improve as being able to reach out and explain what, what the what this means what the conservative movement means, because a lot of those values are shared within minority communities, black communities, Latin communities, Asian communities, those are things that are shared values, and to speak to those, those populations, you need to speak to those values more

George T. Farrell:

correct, you'll find that a lot of Asians and Hispanics are very traditional traditional marriage. And the black family is still intact, even though we're always painted a single father fatherless households, that's not really true. So we have a lot of fathers that are involved in their children's lives to stay married, they move to the suburbs so they can stay their children have green grass and go to good schools. So what you'll find is that these groups when we talk to him about issues, and not a candidate, but the issues that are important to him, to them, and how these issues manifest themselves in having a strong family structure. That's what it's all about.

Terence Shigg:

And I like that point. And I think that's something that should be stressed more, because I think the message gets lost in the messenger, a lot of times, especially in the black, Latin and Asian communities, and those. And I know, you mentioned it before, but can you kind of speak to how that played out, like in the state where of Georgia, or Florida, the contrast and how it played out in the fact that the minority populations are majorities in some of those, those states?

George T. Farrell:

Well, it's in Florida. I'm glad you mentioned that in Florida, the Hispanic population, the Hispanic and black population is about 20. Actually 40% 40 to 44%. And Florida, is 35%. In Georgia, the black Latin and Asian is population. So that's why it's becoming harder and harder for even Democrats to win that because people realize it, the democrats pro abortion stance and live and let live stance and not really keeping black families together any family together is not what they believe in. So when you get to the point where the republican party can talk to issues, to families, to children, how important schools and school choice are, you can win. If you have a message. I don't even think the candidates are important. Sometimes they don't have a message, it doesn't matter.

Terence Shigg:

That's an important aspect. And I I even remember something that you had said about how, in this race in how candidates in the future, need to build a base, meaning start with something eager if you're having been into politics before start with something at the smaller level, and build that base in that following in that experience, to get to the next level be in a house or the Congress or that type of thing. Can you speak to that a little?

George T. Farrell:

Yes, a candidate needs to know the purpose of government and the purpose of a politician. So one of the things when we do our candidate training class, we talked about the purpose of a politician. The purpose of a politician is to enrich their constituents, whether it's school board, city council, or Senate, you have to have a plan that's going to enrich your community which means if you're if your schools are failing in your in your area, and you want to be elected to the school board, what's your plan to make those schools better? You have to have a plan. That's that's your purpose. If you go to the statehouse, there's a big pot of money that the state hands out all over the place that goes toward school construction, road construction soon And just good infrastructure. If you live in a community with bad infrastructure where the trees aren't cut, the roads aren't paved, that your job is a state legislatures to go up to the statehouse, and bring that money back home and get those roads paved, and get those schools built correctly, and bring those computers to those schools, so kids will have them. So your home purpose as a legislator, no matter what level you are, is to bring that money back home. So the best way to learn that is to start small before you start running for congress before you start running for the US Senate. Because God told you so because God didn't tell you that God told you to go get the training first. Because you can't go from elementary school to college. So you cannot go from us. You can't just say I'm going to run for office, if you a good example of that actually is up. A couple of congressmen that we set up, have run one time in laws, Karen Handel in Georgia, random 2016 got elected. Last in 2018, Allen West, great guy, loving your death, great conservative, he ran in Florida, did two years got lost the next time. Why? Because they didn't know what their purpose was. They thought their purpose was to be important in looking for your purpose as a as a congressperson elected official is not to be the most important person in the room is to be the most important servant in the room to help people get a to attain what they want to attain to bring that money back to those communities. And so with that said, so when can we expect a candidate training class from blackpack? When's the next one kind of come up? Well, we're doing an event born on February 20, which is Black History Month in St. Petersburg, Florida, is our Frederick Douglass event is actually not our event is a black republican club. But I'm speaking along with Byron Donald's. And after that, probably about two or three months, we're going to join with Luke journey pack, which is both smoothly with the same token, and we're gonna do a candidate tronics training class, most likely in Florida. And we'll probably try to do one in California too, with Elbert Guillory with Jennifer Carroll, former lieutenant governor of Florida, Elbert Guillory, former state representative in Louisiana, myself and a couple of elected politicians so they can tell you what the real deal is, and how to get elected.

Terence Shigg:

Alright, and you know, you're welcome here in California to put that on. I'll make sure you got a spot for that.

George T. Farrell:

I got a look. I got the time. I got to talk. I got my black pack white, so I got plenty of time.

Terence Shigg:

That's another thing. Tell them about the the merge, I guess they say as the kids say today,

George T. Farrell:

well, you know, this, I'm being very selective who who gets to wear these watches because it involves a lot of blood and sweat. So so so far Elba gorilla has received one, former lieutenant governor Jennifer Carroll has received one. Robert Whitmore, who's a great accountant has received one burning Robinson, Vernon Robertson does a lot of radio ads and black media. Getting people elected. He's received one. So people who have the experience and knowledge and how to get people who liked it. That's who has been receiving these backpack watches for their Christmas gift. I may put it on the market later. So right now, for people to show them that we appreciate their time.

Terence Shigg:

While we're talking about it, where do they go to get more information on black?

George T. Farrell:

on black pack, our website is aka Pac GOP. That's bl aka Pac GOP, you can search our website. We're also on Twitter at real blackpack rT al de la k Pac, real blackpack grow on Instagram. I think we have over 30,000 followers on LinkedIn. So we're very popular on LinkedIn where we share a lot of opinions. And you'll find us on parler We're also on power in Facebook, you can find us on Facebook at blackpack CLA kcac. So you can find this all over social media. And if you need more information, feel free to go to the website and email me directly.

Terence Shigg:

I know another thing that we talked about, and we talk about lot is diversity and getting diversity in not only in the political realm, but in the business realm. And with the billion dollars that were spent in these campaigns. Can you talk about how how that money was spent and how you'd like to see it going forward?

George T. Farrell:

Well, here's what I like to see we have an art Fletcher place that we ask parties and candidates to take that they're going to spend at least 10% of their campaign money with black businesses as printers as radio that staff is the whole gamut. So what we try to do is encourage these candidates that and this is why candidates black candidates, all candidates to look To the black community to spend that money and give some black kids of internship and some experience in politics so they can get started. So we have a pledge. It's called the art Fletcher pledge and art Fletcher is considered the father of affirmative action. He actually wrote defiantly affirmative action plans back in the Nixon administration, that got the first black senior level executives higher in government. So that's why we call it the art Fletcher equation. So the heart art stretcher pledge, go to our website is there you can take it, we asked for all the candidates to take it, we'd need to see, I think about both parties, the Democratic Party in the Republican Party will raise a billion dollars each going into 2022. That's a billion dollars. So if you can't find$100 million to spend with black businesses, then you're already serious about inclusion. So don't talk about it, unless you want to be about it.

Terence Shigg:

And that's the thing. I think a lot of people don't know, the the I call it the game, the gamesmanship and the way that that is actually a real thing that they can do. Because there is a structure to that meaning they have priority vendors, they have no bid contracts, it's it's a big,

George T. Farrell:

no bidding in politics, you just go with who you know, there's no bidding. So I mean, you can compare one printer to another, but we're saying hey, you need to use the black printer, you need to go on black radio, there's no bidding to go on a radio station to go on TV won, or, or any of the radio stations that are black, to be on any of the talk shows.

Terence Shigg:

And so they can go to whoever they want, they can choose whoever they want. And if they are so inclined to be committed to this diversity that they are professing, that this would be something that would benefit all parties.

George T. Farrell:

I would love to hear more black or republican commercials on Steve Harvey like to hear more Charlemagne to God, not just talking, but also the commercials of follow up. That was what needs to happen, not just get on there talk shows but advertise while you're on your talk shows. So we still have bet, we still have some some black media that I think there's still a lot of black newspapers that that are very effective in the black community. There's Haitian newspapers, there's a Hispanic newspaper. So all this needs to really, somebody really need to take a look at this and say, Oh, we want to spend our money with the people who were asking to vote or we just want to try to trick them the voters. And and we're past, we're way past tricking in the next election season, next major election season 2022. So we'll see if people are going to actually put their money where their mouth is and then ask for the vote.

Terence Shigg:

And I agree with you. And I think that one of the things that we can say that's come out of this election process is a level of awareness that I don't think has been there in my lifetime, that people are really getting engaged. So like you said they should, if we're speaking to the issues, that's a whole nother level that we're taking this thing to. And so with that level of diversity that also extends to candidates also. So and I think that's one of the the unique and very important things that blakpac does, is it it is very in your face. Look we are we're not just talking inclusion, we're backing it up.

George T. Farrell:

We're backing up. And let me say this the Democratic Party, when when black Governor Quinn, black congressmen were first elected in the Democratic Party in the 70s and 80s. In larger numbers, what you really had, you had a lot of it was mayors of black mirrors coming out of black seat cities like Cleveland and Washington, DC, but also a lot of black pastors that were elected as the first black congressman. And what I'm sad to see is that these, these same black religious leaders are not standing up to the Democratic Party saying we're not going to support your abortion. We need our black time we need our black pastors to stand up as a group and say we're not going to support support abortion in take control of the Democratic Party. That was when the Democratic Party back to conservative, but we're not getting our pastors or religious leaders involved in politics the way they should be there let they have this go along get along attitude, which is wrong. The Democratic Party is at one time more conservative than the Republican Party. So I would like to see the Democratic Party come back to where their roots are. Back in the 70s or 80s. When all the first black congressmen or elected in they were all religious leaders, or they were all mayors of major urban cities.

Terence Shigg:

So now also, we have You talk about diversity and getting more people involved. And I know you come from a business background. Can you talk to the the leadership in the communities and how and what they should do to help increase this diversity within within the party?

George T. Farrell:

Well, the business leaders, the black business leaders also have to participate in in getting blacks elected, they can't just let people get out there on their own. So are successful business leaders. And we're going to have quite a few of them at this luncheon, black gentlemen that are worth it, I know at least 10 to $20 million each that are not participating in politics, I'm going to sit them down to say, if you don't participate, you're not going to protect us, you're always talking about you want to give back, give back by protecting your community starting at the school board level, getting the right people elected to the school for you or the person on your school board is going to have traditional values. And a lot of our black business leaders are skipping over this race. A lot of our black candidates are skipping over the school board race right now, our kids are hungry. I think we talked about this before, they're not eating, because they have the wrong people on the school board who are concerned more about transgender issues than feeding our children, or educating our children, or during homeschool. That's what we need. We need some people who really care about those issues, not the issues that have to do with sexual identity. People are suffering, our kids may not be eating, they're not learning because of this COVID. So we need to have people who really care who understand that community who might see a kid that looks like they're a little bit hungry and wants to get them to somewhere where they can eat. So let's let's bring this back and get our people who care about it our millionaires who have done well in the in the United States and have them get on those school boards, or at least donate to the right person and get on that school board.

Terence Shigg:

As I've said many times, I appreciate what you guys are doing there. blakpac because you are you're walking the walk, you're not just walking walk. Yeah. You're not just saying okay, this is what we want done your matching businessmen, with candidates training candidates up, getting them out there and getting them the the time that they need. What do you think needs to happen? on a grander scale? What should we be doing more of to get this diversity, front and center, keep it movin,

George T. Farrell:

we just need to do it, we need to do it, we need to raise the money, we need to raise the money from black owned businesses, we don't need to be begging to white donors all the time, this is something we got to do ourselves, we've got to take a look a serious look. Because I believe within the next four, six months, both parties are going to be weakened and break apart the Republican Party and the Democratic Party. neither party is getting along. neither party is happy right now. On the Democratic side, you'd want to have a lot of infighting between the blacks and don't get think they're getting enough opportunity in the Hispanics who aren't getting enough opportunity in the Democratic Party. And they're going to become very vocal. On the Republican side, you're going to have President Trump who is already split up with the Republican Party, it may not be known, but President Trump has started his own PACs that have already raised almost $200 million. And he's taken donors from the Republican Party. So that party is already enough in Acton to split up, the Republican Party is already splitting up, there's going to be a trumpkin in a Republican. So people are going to choose sides. And you're going to see that fight going for the next two years. If but this actually leads to fights with the Democrat and Republican parties in fighting actually makes the black vote that much more important, we become the deciding factor, and just about every race, Democrat or Republican, but we have to understand our value, we have to know that that's the value that we have, and that we bring to the table, and we have to get something in exchange for it. We have to get some of those government dollars back into our communities, we have to get them into our schools. We can't just give our vote away on either side of the top of the aisle.

Terence Shigg:

Exactly. Exactly. And I think that's that's a very poignant thing to say, because I think a lot of times people think of it as Okay, well, you know, it's it's altruistic, you're just doing this Yes, there's a there's a level of altruism to it, where you are doing it for the good of society, but the business side of it is okay. My value is as of such an importance that this is what I need you to do for my community in order to get our support. And I don't think that's even talked about enough. So that's a good very good topic.

George T. Farrell:

No, we need to talk about it a lot. We need to talk about what what is our value in your system? You know if

Terence Shigg:

Okay, um, I think we got plenty. Is there anything that you wanted to add? Are there any other events or Is there anything you want to put out

George T. Farrell:

our event January 20, you can see that on our Facebook or Twitter, on our Instagram, and that you can either donate to the event $20, or whatever the tick is only $35 and a whole tables $350. So there's not a very expensive event, for the quality of people who are going to be there, you're going to have a freshman Congressman, you have me, you have some great speakers, you're going to see some very important people there from Florida and around the country. So $35 a week, these great people is a bargain. So I hope that you'll come I hope to see you there Terence, Terence, thank you so much for interviewing me and putting this book together, I really appreciate it, we're gonna not become a target. We're gonna look at a growing black pack again, and getting blacks elected at all levels of office. And we just hope that everybody that supports us and support us, you can support us with donations, or you can just support us by sharing our content, however you like to do it. But let's get ready for 2022. Let's get ready to put some people in office. Let's get ready to put some, some really good people in office and maybe, you know, in 1865, there were there were seven blacks in Congress, seven black Republicans. Right now we only have three Tim Scott. In the two days. We just elected Byron Donaldson Burgess Owens. So we've got a lot of work to do to get more blacks in Congress on both sides of the aisle that can talk together and understand that our issue is about doing what's best for our community, not doing what's best for us by being famous. But giving our serve giving ourselves in service to our communities.

Dwayne E. Shigg:

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